Mount Capital Management:

Your Global Growth Partner: Tailored Solutions for Success

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Mount Capital Management is a London-based consulting firm specializing in supporting businesses worldwide through all stages of their establishment and growth, offering personalized strategies and expert solutions tailored to each client's objectives.

Owners of company

Anar Murtuzayev

Beneficiary and CEO

Highly qualified with more than 20 years of experience in finance, consulting, law and investment management.

Zeynal Huseynov


Mr. Huseynov, with his 18 years of experience in consulting, finance and asset management, has extensive experience in financial management, direct investments, venture capital and pre-IPO transactions.

About us

Mount Capital Management is a boutique consulting company specializing in providing first-class financial services and investment solutions.

Our experienced team offers comprehensive solutions in due diligence, international structuring, liquid portfolio management and more, helping clients achieve their financial goals.

Mount Capital Management offers:

Expert support at all stages

of creation and development of enterprises.

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Mount Capital Management offers:

Complex solutions from the formation

of the company to its expansion and exit.

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Mount Capital Management offers:

An individual approach in the development

of strategies to achieve the client's goals.

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Mount Capital Management offers:

Global reach, helping companies around the world

in a variety of industries.

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Mount Capital Management offers:

An experienced team

in the field of consulting.

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Contact us
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